the Leetman banner.
Please post your banner and link with the comments so I can put your link here as well :3
Please check this website:
It has very nice pictures
Prodigity's art is more an outlet for my creative outburts than an actually regulary updated blog. However feel free to comment upon/ask questions about and I'm sure I'll get back to you and might even consider doing some more... 'might'....
Hey, About the keyboard, well a few years of eating above it, let it collect crumbs, dust, other stuff I couldnt see what it was when I took it out, thats how I got that!
and, I will post a link/banner to your page!
greets, Mark
I will link back to you!
GREAT! thanks, I donated 1 euro to you.. it was still sitting in my paypal so, HERE you go! ;)
where are you from?
You de-virginated my paypal account :P
I'm from the Netherlands
haha, ik ook ;)
Ik vond je naam al wat nederlands aan doen! bijna geen een land heeft nog de in hun naam!
(je vraagt je misschien nu af, waarom ik in het engels blog, Ik heb veel amerikaanse vrienden/family, en ga als het goed is daar ook wonen )
ps. als je nog vragen heb kan je me emailen naar compier "at" gmail . com :)
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